How to Provide Admin Access to Wordpress Website Securely

In this guide, we'll help you set up a separate admin user for your WordPress website. This is required in order for us to properly monitor, update, and fix your website on an ongoing basis. The maintenance services such as our WP Care Plans, design services, plugin subscriptions, retainer services, etc. will need access for the lifetime of your subscription.

1. Navigate to Users in your WordPress dashboard and select "Add New".

2. Fill in the details required using the information below.

Username: millennialbella

Email: [email protected]

Name: Millennial

Last Name: Bella

Website (optional):

Password: Auto populate from suggestion

Role: Administrator

Check "send user notification" - this is important!

3. Once all fields have been filled, click "Add New User".

4. If what you are purchasing requires this step prior, you may then continue paying for the service you are requesting. 

Why do you need to provide admin access?

Most of our Wordpress SAAS (software-as-a-service) products require admin access to integrate the plugins seamlessly with your website. The software we use is under our agency license (which makes it affordable and convenient).

One of the benefits of providing separate admin access as opposed to sharing your login with us is security and privacy. As with any organization, every member has their own set of user credentials which prevents password sharing. In the end, should the event arise that you would like to move on from our services, all you have to do is delete the user and move on with your business (but of course we hope you will stay with us forever!).

Once we receive the login credentials on our end, we will start with what we do best and deliver the service you requested so you can do what you do best and focus on growing your business.

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